Ways To Take Care of Your WordPress Website

The popularity of WordPress is all due to its factor of flexibility. WordPress is an open source and free platform that allows for a virtually infinite amount of possible configurations. A business that owes its own WordPress website needs to be aware of the ways to take care of your WordPress website. If you hire WordPress... Continue Reading →

How to find the right WordPress developer for your business website

Today, having a web presence has become necessary if you want to get taken seriously as a business owner or a brand. Your website is an asset that reflects your business, product, service or around on a virtual platform, accessible from anywhere in the world. Your website allows you to share valid information about your... Continue Reading →

Developing a WordPress theme from scratch

To get started with your wordpress site, you first need to download and install wordpress. Setting up wordpress is pretty easy. Visit their official site to do this.  Once you have completed your HTML, you can start integrating your HTML into wordpress. Starting with the theme creation, firstly create your theme folder under wp-content/themes directory.... Continue Reading →

Top 7 WordPress Plugins

Are you new to WordPress and building your first WordPress website? Well, you are at the right stop then. We have done all the research for you. Our article here suggests you some of the best WordPress plugins that you must incorporate into your site. 1) WP super cache - WP super cache is the... Continue Reading →

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